Pizzeria Etna, Divača | Sanja Premrn
Divača / Slovenia / 2017
We used solid wood in refurbishment of pizzeria Etna. Furniture is a combination of black and natural oak.
Metal instalation was added to protect walls from getting dirty plus integrated bulbs create ambient light.
Photo: Miha Bratina
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We used solid wood in refurbishment of pizzeria Etna. Furniture is a combination of black and natural oak. Metal instalation was added to protect walls from getting dirty plus integrated bulbs create ambient light. Photo: Miha Bratina
- Year 2017
- Work started in 2017
- Work finished in 2017
- Status Completed works
- Type Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / Interior Design / Lighting Design / Furniture design
- Websitehttps://www.sanjapremrn.com/works