Ahmedabad / India / 2015

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Multi-use skyscraper using kinetic architecture

Aim: To create a pavillion where multi-uses are integrated for better functioning and convenience. Why introduce a kinetic structure for solving a specific architectural problem? To arrive at the answer think of a public square, where the need of shading and a temporary shelter is necessary in order to hold some public events, or purely to protect the people that gather in this place from sun and rain. So protecting this space to give a comfortable stay is one of the reasons. On the other hand, people are familiar with these spaces as open. So a big impact would be produced if a static structure is designed in this context. It can even make people to stop coming and enjoying the space. Taking the above into account, the main objective of introducing a kinetic structure in a public square is to manage sunlight and rain water in order to bring a comfortable space to stay. This structure should be clever enough to keep the scene of outdoor space. Therefore two different movements are identified for the structure: 1. Small movement to control in an accurate way the light income, which entirely depends of the sun trajectory and the season; and to control rain water. 2. Big movement to completely open the structure and keep the scene of outdoor space. This movement can be achieved by two means: small accumulative movements or a single big scale movement.

My Design proposal is to enhance and improve the urban realm according to the changing lifestyles, to accommodate various needs and requirements. Kinetic systems provide movement. Through these applications architecture can be the process and inform the processes of our daily lives rather than just being the output of a process.Current approaches to design in architecture assume that buildings must provide stability, sturdiness, and immobility.Although, as previously mentioned, the way we live today suggests constant movement, unpredictability, and even uncertainty.These transitional properties can Infer change and liveliness.


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    Multi-use skyscraper using kinetic architecture Aim: To create a pavillion where multi-uses are integrated for better functioning and convenience. Why introduce a kinetic structure for solving a specific architectural problem? To arrive at the answer think of a public square, where the need of shading and a temporary shelter is necessary in order to hold some public events, or purely to protect the people that gather in this place from sun and rain. So protecting this space to give a...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work started in 2015
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Research/Thesis
    • Type Parking facilities / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers / Offices/studios / Theatres / Concert Halls / Libraries / Cinemas / Shopping Malls / Showrooms/Shops / Swimming Pools / Fitness Centres / Hotel/Resorts / Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Discos, Clubs / Art Galleries / Private clubs/recreation centres / Book shops / Media Libraries / Markets
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