Casa Simonelli | Studioprisma

Cannero Riviera / Italy / 2018

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From a small ruin discovered on the hills of Cannero Rivera hidden by brambles and trees, a linear building was created with large glass surfaces and a breathtaking view, hidden however from view by the vegetation but open to the south and towards the panorama of the Lake. Internal and external details sophisticated and a big terrace as a space to experience the outside in symbiosis with the home.

Da un piccolo rustico scoperto sulle colline di Cannero Rivera nascosto da rovi e alberi si è realizzato un fabbricato lineare con ampie superfici vetrate e con una vista mozzafiato, nascosto comunque dalla vegetazione ma aperto verso sud e verso il panorama del Lago. Dettagli interni ed esterni ricercati e una gigantesca terrazza come spazio per vivere l'esterno in simbiosi con la casa.

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    From a small ruin discovered on the hills of Cannero Rivera hidden by brambles and trees, a linear building was created with large glass surfaces and a breathtaking view, hidden however from view by the vegetation but open to the south and towards the panorama of the Lake. Internal and external details sophisticated and a big terrace as a space to experience the outside in symbiosis with the home.Da un piccolo rustico scoperto sulle colline di Cannero Rivera nascosto da rovi e alberi si è...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work started in 2014
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Main structure Reinforced concrete
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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