T-Husene | Steven Holl Architects

5 towers for multiple-use Copenhagen / Denmark / 2006

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T-Husene (eng - ita) ENG A green folded space with multiple elevations on top of the commercial space is sliced open by the insertion of the five rotated dancing towers: besides a constructed landscape of 78,000 sf. T-Husene contains 180,000 sf. residential space in 5 towers above 145,000 sf. office space. With this project Steven Holl Architects sets a new example for residential typologies based on the concept of urban porosity. Leaving behind the standard typology of residential perimeter blocks, the dancing T's with colored and reflective undersides carve the sky within the green folded space. Inspired by twilight and the Scandinavian sky, the T-shaped buildings maximize high quality residential floor space with views to the horizon and sunset. Building downwards from the maximum height level, taking into consideration maximum view, each tower will contain 50 apartments in 22 different configurations ranging from 700 sf. to 1200 sf. At the same time, the working environment of the commercial area is improved by the green folded landscape, allowing the nature reserve to flow from the Amager Fælled through Ørestad onto the green square in the east. ITA Il complesso disegnato da Steven Holl sorgerà a Ørestad, una nuova località che si trova a meno di dieci minuti dal centro di Copenhagen, nelle vicinanze del principale aeroporto scandinavo. I cinque grattacieli si svilupperanno su tappeti verdi immaginati come irregolari elevazioni, al di sopra dei volumi destinati ad ospitare gli spazi commerciali. Con questo progetto – si legge nel comunicato diffuso dallo studio di progettazione dell’architetto Holl – viene proposto un nuovo esempio di struttura residenziale basata sul concetto di porosità urbana". Ispirate dal crepuscolo e dal cielo scandinavo, le torri a T massimizzano la qualità dello spazio residenziale con spettacolari viste sull’orizzonte. Ogni torre ospiterà 50 appartamenti le cui superfici varieranno dai 73 ai 135 metri quadrati. Mentre gli spazi commerciali potranno godere della vista sul verde ripiegato dei rilievi su cui si sviluppano.
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    T-Husene (eng - ita) ENG A green folded space with multiple elevations on top of the commercial space is sliced open by the insertion of the five rotated dancing towers: besides a constructed landscape of 78,000 sf. T-Husene contains 180,000 sf. residential space in 5 towers above 145,000 sf. office space. With this project Steven Holl Architects sets a new example for residential typologies based on the concept of urban porosity. Leaving behind the standard typology of residential perimeter...

    Project details
    • Year 2006
    • Work started in 2007
    • Client City Development
    • Status Current works
    • Type Apartments / Shopping Malls
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