The Grove | Davis Landscape Architecture

London / United Kingdom / 2015

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 The landscape proposals for this development are located over a basement car park. At the first and second floors private terraces were proposed, these contain an area of paving with raised planters and glass balustrade to their perimeter. At the ground floor to the rear of the building a communal private garden is proposed. This is comprised of raised planters with climbers, shrubs and small trees.

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     The landscape proposals for this development are located over a basement car park. At the first and second floors private terraces were proposed, these contain an area of paving with raised planters and glass balustrade to their perimeter. At the ground floor to the rear of the building a communal private garden is proposed. This is comprised of raised planters with climbers, shrubs and small trees.

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work started in 2014
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Multi-family residence
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