Culture house + library
Copenhagen / Denmark / 2011
The Northwest area of Copenhagen is located in the diverse and lively transition zone between the dense urban Nørrebro area and the villa neighbourhoods at the edge of the city. Even though many people live and work in the multi-ethnic Northwest Copenhagen, the area is by many Copenhageners mainly passed through going in and out of the city by car. The reason for this is the area's vicinity to numerous entry roads as well as the lack of cultural facilities and recreational areas.
The new Culture House + Library is composed of several elements: Rethinking and modernisation of an existing culture house, a merger of two newer libraries, and the addition of a new culture hall, together forming an enormous potential as a new Culture House for the whole area.
This can make up the significant and attractive cultural institution which the neighbourhood lacks today, creating a strong sense of community. The new Culture House + Library can be the missing link for the Northwest area, and will be placed centrally in the neighbourhood's and the people’s awareness. The house must prove itself functionally and be emphasised visually as a house growing out of the rough urbanity of the area - possibly starting up a necessary dialogue between the new and old in the neighbourhood.
Urban passage
The building has two entrances. One from the north and one from the south, making the foyer act as an urban passage for the neighbourhood. For everyone it is possible and legitimate to walk through the building without any errands, and more people will feel inspired to spending time in the building. The passage is a simple gesture of how open the Culture house will be towards the city and its citizens. The building is fundamentally based on democratic principles: open, accessible and transparent. The building is designed to include and welcome all, and act as a platform for dialogue.
The complex has an intricate program. It is a dynamic figure of open and closed areas, which is occupied by the library and at the same time used for both fixed functions and flexible areas. This gives a varied coherence between open and closed spaces. Open spaces marked by the immediate context and the closed areas as completely choreographed library spaces for, amongst others, children and youths.
The top
As a main gesture, the culture and concert hall is placed at the top of the building. A powerful object that seems to defy the laws of gravity, the position of the hall encourage people to move across the building towards the magnificent view over Copenhagen. The placement of the hall will leave a strong, dynamic impression on those passing by. The experience of a new initiative, opening up for a dialogue between the new and the old, the young and the elderly. A much needed institution for arts and culture.
Il progetto vincitore prevede la realizzazione di un complesso composto dal volume rigenerato della vecchia casa della cultura, due biblioteche costruite di recente e una nuova area pubblica. L’area su cui sorgerà il complesso, coincidente con il settore nord ovest di Copenhagen, è situata tra la zona ad alta densità urbana di Nørrebro e i villaggi residenziali ai margini della città. Nonostante molti risiedano e lavorino nel quartiere multietnico, la maggior parte della cittadinanza vive la zona esclusivamente come luogo di transito automobilistico, in direzione dei vicini nodi stradali a carattere extraurbano.
Il fine ultimo dell’operazione, è pertanto, creare un potente landmark capace di vivacizzare il quartiere di destinazione innescando un nuovo senso di comunità e creando nuove relazioni tra la zona ed il resto della città. Posizionato al cuore del quartiere, immediatamente riconoscibile il complesso polifunzionale è progettato per stagliarsi con decisione all’interno dell’area a carattere urbano, tessendo nuove relazioni con le emergenze architettoniche nell’intorno.
Nella proposta di Cobe e Transform la struttura, estesa su una superficie pari a 1800 metri quadri, dispone di due ingressi, rispettivamente collocati sui lati nord e sud dell’edificio. Il foyer del Centro diventa così un itinerario urbano a carattere pubblico, tramite cui si possono raggiungere diverse zone del quartiere. “Tutti potranno legittimamente passeggiare attraverso la struttura. Così facendo, molta più gente verrà invogliata a passare del tempo all’interno dell’edificio, progettato per accogliere tutti, agendo come una piattaforma di dialogo. I tre principi democratici del complesso sono ‘apertura’, ‘accessibilità’ e ‘trasparenza’”, spiegano i progettisti del team.
La geometria dinamica del complesso è basata sull’alternanza di spazi aperti e chiusi, occupati da biblioteca e funzioni fisse, ma anche da aree flessibili. Gli spazi creano una relazione costante con il conteso urbano circostante, le aree chiuse, dove, sono collocati anche spazi per i più piccoli, creano un clima caldo e o raccolto, pensato per favorire l’apprendimento e la concentrazione. Sull’ultimo piano dell’edificio sorge il grande auditorium del centro, da cui poter godere di un’ampia vista panoramica sulla città.
The Northwest area of Copenhagen is located in the diverse and lively transition zone between the dense urban Nørrebro area and the villa neighbourhoods at the edge of the city. Even though many people live and work in the multi-ethnic Northwest Copenhagen, the area is by many Copenhageners mainly passed through going in and out of the city by car. The reason for this is the area's vicinity to numerous entry roads as well as the lack of cultural facilities and recreational...
- Year 2011
- Work started in 2008
- Work finished in 2011
- Client Copenhagen Municipality
- Status Completed works
- Type Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Concert Halls / Libraries
- Website
- Website