PLUS IS MORE | Paolo Venturella

Geneva / Switzerland

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The conception of the building starts from the consideration that architecture can not be designed anymore by a single “one move” since it is generating a new worldwide series of almost boring “tilted/lifted/pushed” standard buildings.
The project investigates how to overcome the simplicity generated by a single “one move” creating instead a simple complexity generated by a combination of “more moves”.
The challenge is to read complexity as a unitary and coherent design generating a synthesis of a series of deformations.
The new approach based on “more moves” shapes the building and creates a more complex interior and exterior space and new aesthetics. Moreover this allows to reach a result that really fits with client request and that satisfy all needs.
The generating process of the building pushes itself upward, then realizes an operation of discretization, then bends in different directions, then a further discretization.
The operation of discretization provides architectonic shapes to design the building, the bending moves create entrances and views, the further discretization generates terraces.
The façade system is oriented on 3 different directions so the louvers are organized according to sun exposure, doubling their distances from south to west, to avoid direct lighting into office spaces. On the south side it is less dense since the sun is more vertical, while on the west side it is more dense since sun rays are lower.
A sum of moves is needed to reach a synthesis ..PLUS IS MORE!

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    The conception of the building starts from the consideration that architecture can not be designed anymore by a single “one move” since it is generating a new worldwide series of almost boring “tilted/lifted/pushed” standard buildings.The project investigates how to overcome the simplicity generated by a single “one move” creating instead a simple complexity generated by a combination of “more moves”.The challenge is to read complexity as a...

    Project details
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Government and institutional buildings / multi-purpose civic centres / Office Buildings / Business Centers / Corporate Headquarters / Conference Centres
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