Restyling dello Slussen - A PLACE FOR EVERYONE

Stockholm / Sweden / 2008

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La proposta dello studio Nyréns fa dello Slussen “Un Luogo per Tutti”. A raccordare le zone cittadine di Gamla e Södermalm è un istmo realizzato da una serie di terrazze che scendono gradualmente verso il fronte lago. Due nuovi edifici dedicati alla cultura sorgono su una grande piazza. Si tratta della Scenkonstens Hus, centro culturale per le arti drammatiche, e dello Stadsstudiecenterun, collocato alle spalle dell’esistente Stadsmuseum.

A quota più bassa sorge un centro commerciale popolato da gallerie d’arte, biblioteche e ristoranti e attività commerciali, separate dai binari della metropolitana con delle grandi superfici vetrate trasparenti.

Responsible Architect: Dag Cavallius

Responsible Landscape Architect: Bengt Isling

Co-worker: Johan Forssman, Mariano Tellechea, Elisabeth Lundberg, Pia Englund, Daniel Ericsson, Mårten Ubbe, Ola Ek, Vasco Trigueiros, Peter Thuvander and Ulf Palm

In the early spring of 2008 we and four other architect groups were invited to propose a new design for Slussen in Stockholm. As a starting point for the assignment was a "program for architect commission" from the City of Stockholm, with emphasis on traffic issues and Slussen as a commercial and cultural centre. The final work was entered for evaluation at the end of October 2008. All proposals have been exhibited to the public at the Stadsmuseum of Stockholm until the beginning of March 2009. The final evaluation of the proposals is estimated to take place at the end of May 2009. In our proposal we see Slussen as an open place, available for everyone. Below is an extract from our description.

Stockholm is a metropolis heading for a future where everything points towards an increased urbanization. Slussen is the place where you find everything that belongs to a metropolis, commerce, culture and people on the move. A place for relaxation and gathering, a place for the magnificently urban and the small-scale intimate. Slussen could very well be one of the most beautiful places in Stockholm. A place where you can read the City, both the present and the history. You can experience the city life day and night. On Slussen you will find the contrasts. Here is where the new meets the old, salt and sweet. Here is where you will find the views. With our proposal we would like to add some joy and pleasure to all this.

We would like to catch and improve the sole of Slussen. Two new generous culture buildings for the public frame the square of Slussen. Along the extension of Götgatan is Scenkonstens Hus, the new culture centre of the South for modern dramatic art. Here it is seething of theatre, circus, music and dance. In the shoulder of the Stadsmuseum, towards the Saltsjön is the Stadsstudiecenter located, a new exhibition building for everything concerning town architecture of today, with a dramatic view towards Skeppsholmen and Djurgården. Under the new open areas, people are rushing between busses, subway and streetcar line through beautifully designed Malls. Here you find Slussen as a commercial centre in combination with art galleries, libraries and restaurants. Through large glazed-in areas you have visual contact with the platforms of the subway. Three high vitreous bodies bring in daylight and orientation. The new entry towers function as shelters and become natural meeting places. The top of the vitreous bodies have animated advertisements. Slussen - Stockholm's answer to Time Square. On the open areas we have created new places for views, meetings and gatherings. On the new terraces you can enjoy the sun and feel the closeness of the water. On the different levels you can stroll or stop for a while. This could be the place for big gatherings like when Sweden wins the world championship in ice hockey. Visiting artists can give summer concerts on a mobile floating stage. Here and there maybe a performance appears in front of the dinner guests or by the big ramp by Scenkonstens Hus. The new stairway towards Saltsjön leads to the boats from the archipelago. The City Museum gets a new visual establishment by the Stadsstudiecenter and its direction towards the Saltsjön. Under the Slussen terraces on the Slussplan a new city room is created - a sculpture park with beautifully lightened up work of art in water - that together with the general picture can be a new attraction for Stockholm and the Stockholmers.

The present topographical and architectural qualities give Slussen its value: meetings between the fault scarp and ridge, between the lake Mälaren and the Saltsjön and the meeting between Södermalm and Gamla Stan. We have in our proposal elucidated the isthmus with an art building between the two islands Stadsholmen and Södermalm. The isthmus is shaped like a series of terraces for outdoor life with views and nearness to the water. Gamla Stan has today a pronounced city front towards the south, while Södermalm, with its complicated topography, is more divided. With our proposal we form a gate that elucidates the border between the new isthmus and Södermalm. The new buildings and the reduced traffic areas allow the creation of squares and views. The views from the upper square levels down towards the water areas are possible mainly along the streets but also diagonally across the squares. The new terraces by Scenkonstens Hus and Stadsstudiecentrum allow new outlooks towards Riddarfjärden and out towards Saltsjön. The great outlooks that Slussen offers are presented partly as concentrated sections and partly as wide panoramas.

A new Bus Terminal and a Mall

In our proposal we have used Tyréns traffic report as a basis for our work. In the bus terminal, the alternative that is closer to Tranbodarna has been investigated with a general height of +0,3. In the proposal, all different kinds of traffic are crossed. Changes between different means are done within short distances. Simple, distinct, sheltered terminals are created for busses, boats, Subway and streetcar line. The new bus terminal is located somewhat under the quay level and is easily reached from the footpaths along the water. The terminals are connected with the Mall that besides commerce also can accommodate restaurants, premises for events etc. To move under the square areas must be comfortable and a positive environmental experience. Orientation is created by glazed-in areas and daylight inlets. The public footpaths have connecting links to all the other functions in Slussen.

Scenkonstens Hus
Scenkonstens Hus contains two stage rooms that seat about 750 respective 300 people. The stage rooms are flexibly designed and can be used in various ways. Besides the stage rooms there is a large foyer and generally designed areas above the ground level. Here you have room for exhibitions and/or City Library. At the point with a view towards Riddarfjärden there is a fantastic location for a restaurant. Under the square level there are premises for meetings and conferences that have internal connections to the Mall nearby.

The new exhibition building of the Stadsmuseum – Stadstudiecentrum, has an elevated main floor with a fantastic view towards the harbor entrance of Stockholm. Finally the Stadsmuseum can step forward in the townscape and give the town architecture questions a new visibility. The building is a plain glazed-in box with a general design. Exhibitions can here be combined with conferences. Café and bookstore is located on the entrance floor. Underneath the elevated volume you can remain protected from the wind and with the entire Stockholm in front of you.

The buildings on Stadsgården
The four buildings along Stadsgården are getting a unique location with light inlet from the north and a view towards Skeppsholmen and Konstakademin. Here you can offer studios for visiting artists in combination with Art Galleries. If the discontinued plans for an ABBA-Museum are replaced with a different cultural content, the new studious can be included in a cultural footpath along the water front and Stadsgården.

The proposal contains several new squares and places that together will connect Gamla Stan with Södermalm in a completely new way and with many new moving alternatives on different levels. Slussen is a fantastic place with wide views over Stockholm. To all this we would like to add places for gathering and lingering with a scale for the little human, a comfortable park bench, a beautiful surface, a verdant garden, the sound of running water, the small and the big scale, a place for everybody.
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    La proposta dello studio Nyréns fa dello Slussen “Un Luogo per Tutti”. A raccordare le zone cittadine di Gamla e Södermalm è un istmo realizzato da una serie di terrazze che scendono gradualmente verso il fronte lago. Due nuovi edifici dedicati alla cultura sorgono su una grande piazza. Si tratta della Scenkonstens Hus, centro culturale per le arti drammatiche, e dello Stadsstudiecenterun, collocato alle spalle dell’esistente Stadsmuseum. A quota più bassa sorge un centro commerciale popolato...

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