PODIUM sideboard

Porto / Portugal

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PODIUM sideboard is the playful arrangement of cubic volumes of different size, combining to a horizontally extending sideboard, covered with an elegant selection of precious Estremoz Rosa Aurora Vigaria marble. A shelf exceeding the size of the volumes creates the base of this sideboard.
From the combination of boxes of different sizes grew PODIUM, a long sideboard entirely covered with an elegant selection of the finest marble.

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    PODIUM sideboard is the playful arrangement of cubic volumes of different size, combining to a horizontally extending sideboard, covered with an elegant selection of precious Estremoz Rosa Aurora Vigaria marble. A shelf exceeding the size of the volumes creates the base of this sideboard. From the combination of boxes of different sizes grew PODIUM, a long sideboard entirely covered with an elegant selection of the finest marble.

    Project details
    • Client TCC Whitestonte
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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