RAMBUTAN fruit studio: vintage fruit shop | Yaroslav Galant innovative design®

Kyiv / Ukraine / 2015

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The Yaroslav Galant innovative design studio finished work on the project of the Kiev's first fruit shop RAMBUTAN fruit studio. Vintage style of this place develops an idea of the fascinating club atmosphere for adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

In Rambutan it is possible not only to buy fresh fruit, smoothie, salads, jams or wine, but also to learn about useful properties and an origin of the offered exotic. A rack at a window, bright chairs and Wi-Fi invite guests to have a rest, communicate and taste.
The first hall acquaints visitors with rare species of fruit. There are a wine bar and refrigerators with salads and smoothie.
Pedestals from old boxes with labels of the international fruit importers are covered with snow-white "napkins" made from an artificial stone Corian. The refregirators hidden in boxes maintain individual temperature for each of the presented fruit. Traditional for presentation of pastry glass caps hinting at the right "sweet" choice.
The shop-window of the second hall causes associations with a vintage drugstore which instead of mixtures and tablets offers bright and tasty fruit - the best means for treatment and prevention of the most of illnesses.
In the lower part of a shop-window refrigerating units which maintain temperature, necessary for freshness of fruit, are installed. Wooden boxes of vertical racks can change an angle of slope.
The wall opposite to shop-window is given to an exposition "apple peeler" (ancient American adaptations for cleaning of apples, and some samples of a collection - are more than two hundred years old).
The second life and new quality received brass pipes and a copper basin which became a basis for functional installation in a bathroom.


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    The Yaroslav Galant innovative design studio finished work on the project of the Kiev's first fruit shop RAMBUTAN fruit studio. Vintage style of this place develops an idea of the fascinating club atmosphere for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. In Rambutan it is possible not only to buy fresh fruit, smoothie, salads, jams or wine, but also to learn about useful properties and an origin of the offered exotic. A rack at a window, bright chairs and Wi-Fi invite guests to have a rest, communicate...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Showrooms/Shops
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