Pacifico Office Building | Metropolis Oficina de Arquitectura

Lima / Peru

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Pacífico insurance company summons to a private design competition among the most prestigious architecture offices in Lima to refurbish the old La Colmena building to transform it in its corporate building. Metrópolis proposal won.

This project values the whole by giving same a monumental and contemporary image, which is the result of integrating the two original bodies of the construction with a three-floor base height and stand out the verticality of the volume with a glass treatment, aluminum composite panels and linear aluminum framework.

The lighting system also accents the volume verticality and offers a dominant image over the surrounding environment. Another contribution of the building consists in the street level fountains with reflecting pools and gushes. This urban treatment friendly separates the building from the pedestrian transit and originates a kind of water park integrated with the Juan de Arona Park, located in the front sidewalk and with the urban scene.


Metrópolis Oficina de Arquitectura
Arch. José Orrego Herrera

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    Pacífico insurance company summons to a private design competition among the most prestigious architecture offices in Lima to refurbish the old La Colmena building to transform it in its corporate building. Metrópolis proposal won. This project values the whole by giving same a monumental and contemporary image, which is the result of integrating the two original bodies of the construction with a three-floor base height and stand out the verticality...

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    • Status Completed works
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