BCP Cronos | Metropolis Oficina de Arquitectura
Lima / Peru
Ten floors of a new building were intervened as part of a general proposal. The concepts developed for a first project, which privileged teamwork spaces and environments for the encounters between
working partners were applied.
In these headquarters, different spaces destined to diverse functions required with an innovative treatment and adapted to the needs of this century were designed.
In La Molina BCP as much as Cronos BCP, light appears as a resource to open roofs and create a false exterior sensation provoked by the artificial light from above.
Metrópolis Oficina de Arquitectura
Arch. José Orrego Herrera
Ten floors of a new building were intervened as part of a general proposal. The concepts developed for a first project, which privileged teamwork spaces and environments for the encounters betweenworking partners were applied. In these headquarters, different spaces destined to diverse functions required with an innovative treatment and adapted to the needs of this century were designed. In La Molina BCP as much as Cronos BCP, light appears as a resource to open...
- Status Completed works