Swiss Embassy

Competition Nairobi / Kenya / 2011

3 Love 1,629 Visits Published

The conceptual idea was to combine images of both countries in one architectural object. The image of Switzerland is represented by the shape of the building which is like a rock skyline and by the rough concrete surface of facade which is typical for the modern Swiss architecture. The Kenya’s character is expressed mainly in surrounding landscape that appeals to soft forms and vivid lines that inhere in traditional Kenya architecture.

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    The conceptual idea was to combine images of both countries in one architectural object. The image of Switzerland is represented by the shape of the building which is like a rock skyline and by the rough concrete surface of facade which is typical for the modern Swiss architecture. The Kenya’s character is expressed mainly in surrounding landscape that appeals to soft forms and vivid lines that inhere in traditional Kenya architecture.

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Status Competition works
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