UC Architecture School | Elemental

Santiago / Chile / 2004

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We were asked to remodel a building from the Nineties. We wrapped a building that had too many lines with a rather tense and straight envelop that meliorated the energy performance. We also offered a more neutral volume towards the historical building in front and added “review spaces” in between the two skins.




Nos encargaron remodelar un edificio de los años 90. Envolvimos un edificio que tenía demasiadas líneas con una envolvente bastante tensa y recta que mejoraba la eficiencia energética, construyendo un volumen más neutro hacia el edificio histórico al frente y agregando un espacio para las “correcciones de proyectos” entre las dos pieles.

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    We were asked to remodel a building from the Nineties. We wrapped a building that had too many lines with a rather tense and straight envelop that meliorated the energy performance. We also offered a more neutral volume towards the historical building in front and added “review spaces” in between the two skins.   [ESP]   Nos encargaron remodelar un edificio de los años 90. Envolvimos un edificio que tenía demasiadas líneas con una envolvente...

    Project details
    • Year 2004
    • Work finished in 2004
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Colleges & Universities / Interior Design
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