UC Mathematics School | Elemental

Santiago / Chile / 1999

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A mathematician is a machine that transforms coffee into equations.” We thought that this joke expressed one of the dimensions by which knowledge is produced: the casual encounter of people. Besides the coffee room, we identified the corridor as a design opportunity, as the moment where you see other people before they disappear into the isolated retreat of the individual working unit. We decided to add the new building to two existing ones, so that after the operation we had fewer elements than at the beginning.




Un matemático es una máquina que transforma el café en ecuaciones.” Pensamos que esta broma expresaba una de las dimensiones por las que se produce el conocimiento: el encuentro informal entre las personas. Además de la sala de café, identificamos el pasillo como una oportunidad de diseño, el momento en que uno ve a otras personas antes de desaparecer hacia la unidad de trabajo individual. Decidimos unir el nuevo edificio a dos edificios ya existentes, para que luego de la operación tuviéramos menos elementos que al principio.

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    A mathematician is a machine that transforms coffee into equations.” We thought that this joke expressed one of the dimensions by which knowledge is produced: the casual encounter of people. Besides the coffee room, we identified the corridor as a design opportunity, as the moment where you see other people before they disappear into the isolated retreat of the individual working unit. We decided to add the new building to two existing ones, so that after the operation we had fewer...

    Project details
    • Year 1999
    • Work finished in 1999
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Schools/Institutes / Colleges & Universities
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