RUSTICO | Plan W GmbH Werkstatt für Räume

Cozy pre-war appartment with rustic details Germany / 2014

22 Love 2,914 Visits Published

Not everything has to be new to please the eyes. This beautiful pre-war appartment gets its unique unique atmosphere from little details like the exposed brick walls in the kitchen and dining area, the dark hardwood floors or the industrial style glass doors. A clear color concept adds to the homy feel and connects the different rooms. Even though this appartment is quite small, the interior design ideas manage to give it a great illusion of space.

Several furniture designed and manufactured by Plan W GmbH

Interior design by Plan W GmbH

Photographs by Heinrich Hermes (Berlin, Germany)

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    Not everything has to be new to please the eyes. This beautiful pre-war appartment gets its unique unique atmosphere from little details like the exposed brick walls in the kitchen and dining area, the dark hardwood floors or the industrial style glass doors. A clear color concept adds to the homy feel and connects the different rooms. Even though this appartment is quite small, the interior design ideas manage to give it a great illusion of space. Several furniture designed and manufactured...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Status Current works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Lighting Design / Furniture design
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    Lovers 22 users