TUCANO DIGITAL KIOSK | DA for Tucano | June 2013 | Manuela Mottareale

Digital Kiosk Exhibit Design Competition for Domus Academy Master Scholarship Milan / Italy / 2013

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Domus Academy and Tucano launched on April 2013 the Digital Kiosk Exhibit Design Competition for Master Scholarship in Interior and Living Design. The aim was the design of a multifunctional temporary store to become the venue for exhibitions and events at urban scale. My project is developed on a concept based on flexibility and aptitude of moving the kiosk in different places adapting it to different situations. The materials meant to be used to achieve this purpose are a modular structure made with a thin aluminium structure and ETFE cushions to make the kiosk semi-transparent and appealing, with Tucano's products inside each of them transforming the structure itself in a showcase system.

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    Domus Academy and Tucano launched on April 2013 the Digital Kiosk Exhibit Design Competition for Master Scholarship in Interior and Living Design. The aim was the design of a multifunctional temporary store to become the venue for exhibitions and events at urban scale. My project is developed on a concept based on flexibility and aptitude of moving the kiosk in different places adapting it to different situations. The materials meant to be used to achieve this purpose are a modular structure...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Status Temporary works
    • Type Exhibition Design / Showrooms/Shops / Exhibitions /Installations
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