House in Fontinha | Aires Mateus & Associados

Grândola / Portugal / 2013

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In the hills of Grandola, the house is a balance between a courtyard, a protected core relating to the sky, and an opening to the distance ocean view. The topography is modeled to protect the house from the access road and to open the spaces to a view of the ocean. The perimeter delineates the interior rooms and the transitional spaces. Vertical volumetric spaces are occupied by elements that define functions and atmospheres.


Na Serra de Grândola, a casa desenha-se no equilíbrio entre a criação de uma casa pátio, centro protegido de relação com o céu, e a abertura à vista de mar. A topografia é forçada, protege-se da estrada e rasga-se o volume sobre a vista. O limite desenha os espaços e as suas transições. Espaços volumétricos, altos, habitados por construções que definem funções e atmosferas.


Située sur les sommets de Grândola, la maison est dessinée dans un équilibre entre un patio dont le centre est protégé et relié au ciel, et une vue s’ouvrant au loin sur l’océan. La topographie est retravaillée afin de se protéger de la route et de libérer la vue. Le périmètre délimite les logements internes et leurs transitions. De hauts espaces et des volumes puissants sont habités par différents éléments définissant chaque fonction, chaque atmosphère.

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    (EN) In the hills of Grandola, the house is a balance between a courtyard, a protected core relating to the sky, and an opening to the distance ocean view. The topography is modeled to protect the house from the access road and to open the spaces to a view of the ocean. The perimeter delineates the interior rooms and the transitional spaces. Vertical volumetric spaces are occupied by elements that define functions and atmospheres. (PT) Na Serra de Grândola, a casa desenha-se no...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Contractor Mateus Frazão
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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