French Riviera. An exclusive park | Sandrini Green Architecture

The green scenery of a historic residence Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat / France

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In one of the most amazing and exclusive places of Côte d’Azur, Sandrini company has been busy with the landscape arrangement of an important historic residence built in 19th century for King Leopold II of Belgium.
The park has a surface area of 7000 sq m with valuable specimens of plants and classic architectural elements. The great specimens of plants have been enhanced by inserting them in an harmonious and coherent project with the aim of creating an exclusive garden that could be at the same time place of business and of residence.
The dominant style is lavish and classic, typical of the gardens made in Côte d’Azur at the end of 19th century.
The pathway to the entrance follows the motifs and the materials of the traditional gravel boulevards and it is embellished by recesses and big earthenware vase with topyarian Buxus. In front of the main entrance of the villa, the decoration on the floor embellishes: the nymphaeum and the green arches with the statues of the Four seasons complete the area creating a unique scenery.
The green arches set up by Sandrini company bring back the historic green architectures of the Italian topiary art and they have a double function both as a scenery and as a final element, thus protecting the most private part of the garden from the sight. In the same way, on the terrace on 2nd floor, the white lacquered Treillage not only ensures privacy to the proprietors but it is also a fundamental decorative element.
In the park, the specimens of Pinus pinea are set up following a harmonious and natural design and, below them, Sandrini company has ricreate curvy borders with specimens of Dicksonia antarctica, Phoenix canariensis, Strelitzias, Musas and Camelias that come in succession and follow a continuous and luxuriant green scenography in which white blossoms and decorative elements stand out and give the garden a romantic taste.

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    In one of the most amazing and exclusive places of Côte d’Azur, Sandrini company has been busy with the landscape arrangement of an important historic residence built in 19th century for King Leopold II of Belgium.The park has a surface area of 7000 sq m with valuable specimens of plants and classic architectural elements. The great specimens of plants have been enhanced by inserting them in an harmonious and coherent project with the aim of creating an exclusive garden that could...

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    • Status Completed works
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