Verbania. Private villa with view on the lake | Sandrini Green Architecture

A natural theatre on the river of Maggiore Lake Verbania / Italy

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On the hills surrounding Verbania, in a spot where the breathtaking view gets lost in the depths of the wonderful Maggiore Lake and in the mountains that frame it, it is located the recently built villa, which was commissioned and designed according with the full compliance with the monumental residences of the 19th century and beginning of 20th century.
The garden has been the protagonist since the beginning, in fact, the staff of architects assigned this ambitious project to Sandrini company even before that the villa had been built. The goal was to ensure that the house moved in its surrounding space as if the park had been there forever and as if it were the protagonist.
Sandrini got its inspiration from the great formal and architectural gardens typical of Lombard villas and of the Lake of that time, where everything had a scenographic role and where the perspective caught and casted on big a big green backstage culminated in statues, vases or important treillages: in other words, a “theatrical” garden.
The path created leads to powerful observation spots, belvedere on the lake, as well as view on the scenographic swimming pool or also on the large staircases that lead to the floors of the park conveying a sense of opulence, magnificence and power.

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    On the hills surrounding Verbania, in a spot where the breathtaking view gets lost in the depths of the wonderful Maggiore Lake and in the mountains that frame it, it is located the recently built villa, which was commissioned and designed according with the full compliance with the monumental residences of the 19th century and beginning of 20th century.The garden has been the protagonist since the beginning, in fact, the staff of architects assigned this ambitious project to Sandrini company...

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    • Status Completed works
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