Newform Catalogue 2016 | Purapietra by Moscato Marmi

Mohs and BBQ washbasins, design Stefano Visconti for Purapietra

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Mohs and BBQ washbasins, design Stefano Visconti for Purapietra, have been chosen for the new Newform BATH 2016 catalogue

Direzione Creativa/Creative Direction: Ufficio Stile Newform
Foto/Photos: Andrea Avolio - NEROLUCE
Styling: Marta Meda e Laura Arduin
Ideazione/Impaginazione e grafica/ Ideation, graphics and layout: Factory Prime Srl

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    Mohs and BBQ washbasins, design Stefano Visconti for Purapietra, have been chosen for the new Newform BATH 2016 catalogue CreditsDirezione Creativa/Creative Direction: Ufficio Stile NewformFoto/Photos: Andrea Avolio - NEROLUCEStyling: Marta Meda e Laura ArduinIdeazione/Impaginazione e grafica/ Ideation, graphics and layout: Factory Prime Srl

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Current works
    • Type Interior Design
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