Newform Catalogue 2016 | Purapietra by Moscato Marmi
Mohs and BBQ washbasins, design Stefano Visconti for Purapietra
Mohs and BBQ washbasins, design Stefano Visconti for Purapietra, have been chosen for the new Newform BATH 2016 catalogue
Direzione Creativa/Creative Direction: Ufficio Stile Newform
Foto/Photos: Andrea Avolio - NEROLUCE
Styling: Marta Meda e Laura Arduin
Ideazione/Impaginazione e grafica/ Ideation, graphics and layout: Factory Prime Srl
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Mohs and BBQ washbasins, design Stefano Visconti for Purapietra, have been chosen for the new Newform BATH 2016 catalogue CreditsDirezione Creativa/Creative Direction: Ufficio Stile NewformFoto/Photos: Andrea Avolio - NEROLUCEStyling: Marta Meda e Laura ArduinIdeazione/Impaginazione e grafica/ Ideation, graphics and layout: Factory Prime Srl
- Year 2015
- Work finished in 2015
- Status Current works
- Type Interior Design