Open space office | Monica Taverniti

Valle Mosso / Italy / 2005

4 Love 872 Visits Published

Refurbishment of an old industrial venue to be turned into showroom, sales offices, archive and meeting rooms. The company is storically involved in the production of high quality yarns and it is situated among few others in a well known compound near the city of Biella in north Italy. The project aime to focus the idea of the genuinity of yearn production by recalling the breeding environment through a greenfield crossed by wires and populated by few sheep shaped exibitor as well as some more traditional ones. All the walls are transparent so that the instsallation can be seen from everywhere

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    Refurbishment of an old industrial venue to be turned into showroom, sales offices, archive and meeting rooms. The company is storically involved in the production of high quality yarns and it is situated among few others in a well known compound near the city of Biella in north Italy. The project aime to focus the idea of the genuinity of yearn production by recalling the breeding environment through a greenfield crossed by wires and populated by few sheep shaped exibitor as well as some more...

    Project details
    • Year 2005
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Office Buildings / Showrooms/Shops / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Recovery of industrial buildings
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