Margot House

Barcelona / Spain / 2015

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[EN] - 

Located opposite the iconic Casa Batllo and the Barcelona Atmetller House, this boutique hotel literally opens its beautiful doors on to Paseo de Gracia. This is not a typical boutique hotel in that the owners want to provide ultimate service, along with the sensation of embarking on a secret escape. The standard boutique or trendy hotel is prone to giving off an impersonal vibe and mass service. But Margot House is a hotel that thrives on catering to a selected clientele, and there is no better proof of this, in that it is located on a main floor of building with no signage. Privacy of its guests come first, and discretion is always practiced by the staff.
The hotel derives its name by the character that actress Gwyneth Paltrow played in the movie The Royal Tenenbaums. Her character, Margot, is a deep woman with a hidden side to her, giving off a glamourous and almost elusive feel.

Margot House was created to offer its guests privacy, comfort and exclusivity. A secret corner in the heart of Barcelona with an exquisite interior was the goal of one of its owners, Sandra Durany. A tireless traveler, Durany was inspired by a mix of accommodation from different corners of the globe in order to create a unique hotel with personality, free of any convention. This vibe can is present in every single detail as well as the layout of the hotel. The 9 guestrooms at Margot House are decorated with fine materials such as light wood, and cement micro lamps from award winning designers such as Miquel Milà and other Japanese designers. Thanks to the Durany design, VansKap Studio interiors and Ambit decoration, we have been able to achieve this spectacular result, the Margot House.

Egyptian cotton linens, cashmere blankets and 100% pure cotton towels from Hammam pools of Turkey are just a few of the fine details that this accommodation offers. Guest also have the ability to customize their experience, though choice of access keys to their room, the signage for their room (such as do not disturn one) and the choice of a local guide recommended by their hotel management. It’s clear to see this is outside the norm, and it absolutey distinguishes the Margot House from its competitors.

The Honest Bar seeks to make their guests feel at home and offers a fine selection of wines and cocktails, which can be enjoyed any time of day. The ecofriendly philosophy at the Margot House is seen in every corner, from the packaging of water in homemade botels, to the use of pure fabrics for bedding and bath. In the beautiful reception area, which also serves as a boutique, guests have access to purchase blankets, cushions, candles and keychains.

This is the first boutique opened by Sandra and Sergio Durany, with the aim of offering a few travelers a distinct alternative to traditional city hotels. After a long and successful career in the decoration and lifestyle sector Sergio Durany has decided, with his daughter Sandra to undertake this new project. As the owner of fashion and accessories stores BE, Sandra Durany, has a background in interior design and decoration, and she has put her stamp on the interior of the Margot House. With its launch, this father and daughter team embark on their latest journey, in the world of personalized, high end hospitatility.

Barcelona stands out for its design and so we have tried at all times to use local product. Almost all lamps are from Santa & Cole, all fabrics are from Teixidors as well as other prestigious designers.

The rest of the furniture was designed by Vänskap Studio and tailormade for this project. A wood and glass reception was made to be used as a shop so that the customer can buy and take home all the products used in the project. The kitchen is open to the space by mixing wood, concrete and black colour to give a unique personality and a very tempting space for the guests. In the common area we wanted to enhance the shape of the space with the original roofs with wooden.

A wood structure was designed to wrap the common bathrooms and private areas used by the hotel staff.


[ES]- Margot House no es un hotel al uso, la intención de sus propietarios era la de huir de los convencionalismos de los grandes hoteles, impersonales y con poca privacidad. Es un hotel boutique de 9 habitaciones situado en un principal en pleno Paseo de Gracia de Barcelona donde la ebullición de la calle y los turistas se queda atrás por la tranquilidad, paz y armonía del espacio.

Desde el principio se tenía claro que no sería un hotel clásico ni típico. El objetivo era conseguir un espacio donde los huéspedes se sintieran como en casa, donde las cosas pasan con facilidad y lo esencial se convierte en lo excepcional. Utilizando dos materiales básicos como el cemento y la madera le dimos al hotel un look sobrio, atemporal y sin pretensiones.

9 habitaciones con un hilo conductor pero con sus notas y puntos diferentes en cada una de ellas que hace que cada vez que alguien se aloje en una, quiera volver y probar una nueva. Barcelona destaca por su diseño y por eso hemos intentado en todo momento usar producto de proximidad.

Casi todas las lámparas son de Santa&Cole, todos los tejidos son de Teixidors así como otros diseñadores de prestigio. El resto de mobiliario fue diseñado por Vänskap Studio y hecho a medida para este proyecto. Se diseñó una recepción de madera y cristal para que funcionara como tienda y que el cliente pueda llevarse todo el producto utilizado en el proyecto. La cocina esta abierta al espacio mezclando la madera, el cemento y el color negro para darle una personalidad única y un espacio muy apetecible al huésped.

En la zona común se quiso realzar la forma del espacio con techo a dos aguas y caballeras de madera. Todo forrado con listones blancos y 4 claraboyas con luz directa del exterior. Se diseñó una estructura lateral de madera para envolver los baños comunes y las zonas de uso privado del hotel.

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    [EN] -  Located opposite the iconic Casa Batllo and the Barcelona Atmetller House, this boutique hotel literally opens its beautiful doors on to Paseo de Gracia. This is not a typical boutique hotel in that the owners want to provide ultimate service, along with the sensation of embarking on a secret escape. The standard boutique or trendy hotel is prone to giving off an impersonal vibe and mass service. But Margot House is a hotel that thrives on catering to a selected clientele, and...

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