Basic and Executive Projects of Total Reurbanization and Redevelopment for Rail Capivari's Park | fernandes arquitetos associados

Campos do Jordão / Brazil / 2017

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The architectural firm Fernandes is developing, in consortium with engineering firm EBEI, the Basic and Executive Projects of Total Reurbanization and Redevelopment for Rail Capivari's Park, set belonging to the Railroad Campos do Jordão (EFCJ).
Currently, EFCJ operates a system of activities turned to tourism, consisting of various services operating in the 47km rail extension linked between two tourist parks: one in Piracuama, in the municipality of Pindamonhangaba, and the other in Capivari's (Campos do Jordão), which is also the cabel car service.
From the transfer of management of the Railway Campos do Jordão for the Metropolitan Transport Secretary (STM), has crafted a Modernisation Programme which seeks the redevelopment of stations, providing them with universal accessibility, improving the conditions of loading and unloading users of these services as well as the cable car, workshops capacity, in addition providing the urban requalification of Águas Claras and Capivari's Park.
The main purpose is to empower its facilities for modernization and expansion of the operation of rail services, and the development of recreation activities and contemplation, giving opportunity also to commercial activities that increase non-operating revenues of the railroad. Thus, the new Capivari's Railroad Park will set an emblematic space of the railroad urbanism integrated with the main commercial center of Campos do Jordão, which is being implemented as a way to mark the first centenary of EFCJ operation.
And then, you can enhance the recovery of investments in railway, making it even more attractive to the public and private investment, consequently promoting an appreciation of urban, environmental and physical conditions of its surroundings, the which increases the potential of implementation for the ventures associated tourism to the park, and it stands up as a tourist destination of quality and excellence in São Paulo state.

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    The architectural firm Fernandes is developing, in consortium with engineering firm EBEI, the Basic and Executive Projects of Total Reurbanization and Redevelopment for Rail Capivari's Park, set belonging to the Railroad Campos do Jordão (EFCJ).Currently, EFCJ operates a system of activities turned to tourism, consisting of various services operating in the 47km rail extension linked between two tourist parks: one in Piracuama, in the municipality of Pindamonhangaba, and the other in...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work started in 2014
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Urban Furniture / Railway Stations
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