Tano | Lukas Avėnas

desk lamp Vilnius / Lithuania / 2014

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Simple desk lamp, which allows to control light's intensity and direction while seamlessly blending into work environment.
This is a second year design student project.
"Tano" won A' design award 2015, Design and design international award and "Geras dizainas" (Lithuanian national "Good design" award).

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    Simple desk lamp, which allows to control light's intensity and direction while seamlessly blending into work environment.This is a second year design student project."Tano" won A' design award 2015, Design and design international award and "Geras dizainas" (Lithuanian national "Good design" award).

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work started in 2013
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Status Current works
    • Type Lighting Design / Product design
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