Сafe-lounge Kyiv / Ukraine / 2014

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location: Vyshhorods'ka st., 45, Kiev, Ukraine
function: Сafe-lounge
area: 400m2
status: realization 2014
designers: Aleksandr Yudin, Vladimir Yudin
graphic designer: Vladimir Yudin
photo: Dmitry Sandratsky

1. Project Concept

We wanted to create a form which wouldn’t dominate over the content. In our opinion, the interior is laconic and "does not load". Our goal was to create a light and warm atmosphere due to the accents of bright spots that look particularly beneficial on a gray background. We were not afraid of black which is softened by light wood of warm tone. Since the restaurant was opened in rented premises our task was to make a mobile interior. In the end we created a so-called “construction kit” which if necessary can be taken to pieces and reassembled again on a new location.

2. Planning

In the case of GRANDEE we faced some limitations regarding structural columns, which we had in a big number and therefore had to build them in the interior. With the help of latticed partition walls, shelves and low podiums we have tried to create zoning comfortable for guests. Even when you're sitting at a table in the center of the room, you can still find some privacy. And if you want complete privacy, you can move to a VIP-hall for 8-10 guests or hookah lounge which is more spacious.

3. Decoration and equipment

The key textures in the design of the restaurant, in addition to plaster are wood, metal and tile (Loft). We also used perforated plywood and plain canvas which serve as color patches. The base of a pattern in the interior was the pentagonal star underlining the ambitions of the resaturant and guests. Light fixtures and furniture in GRANDEE are designer’s. In particular we are proud of the brutal chain lights adorning the VIP-hall. Also in our opinion the sofas with backs of different height also hit the target.

4. List the decorations and finishes

Tile 600x600, tile 100x300 - Loft by renowned Spanish factory Ape Ceramics; wood, plywood, metal (square tube 20x20) are used in all designs.

5. Architects’ comments on the project

In our opinion the interior looks rather stylish and Europen,neutral to some extend but having a number of recognizable details. Laconic lines and natural textures not splashy luxury tell about the level of the restaurant. As for the bright color splashes complementing the low-key interior, they make the space cozier and at the same time not tartish. Thanks to "smooth" zoning we have created several comfortable locations for guests inside the big spacious main hall. The use of lattice walls and shelves made it possible to avoid the space crushing.

6. Life and artistic credo

We are twins, so everything we do is doublechecked and judged twice. If one of us suddenly makes a mistake, it is immediately noticed and fixed by the other. Although our aesthetic views are similar, it does not mean we don’t have debates.  Sometimes we even argue ourselves hoarse. We both got a degree in arts which helps us a lot. As well as years-long experience in designing both commercial premises and appartments. As for the artistic credo, it is expressed in the slogan of our company “KOZYRNIY DESIGN”: "The cool lies in simplicity!"

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    location: Vyshhorods'ka st., 45, Kiev, Ukrainefunction: Сafe-loungearea: 400m2status: realization 2014designers: Aleksandr Yudin, Vladimir Yudingraphic designer: Vladimir Yudinphoto: Dmitry Sandratsky 1. Project Concept We wanted to create a form which wouldn’t dominate over the content. In our opinion, the interior is laconic and "does not load". Our goal was to create a light and warm atmosphere due to the accents of bright spots that look particularly beneficial on a gray background....

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work started in 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Main structure Wood
    • Client Aleksey Shorohov
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lighting Design / Graphic Design / Advertising / Photography / Yacht and vehicle design / Furniture design / Product design / self-production design
    • Website
    • Website
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    Lovers 24 users