Horse Museum | JM Schivo & Partners

ENE Cadre Noir Saumur Saumur / France / 2012

1 Love 1,086 Visits Published

The history of the relationship between man and horses dates back to about 25,000 years ago.

Encompassing so much time and lived relations in a museum, is the real challenge when conceiving a site that tells you about this old-time and present alliance.   

Multimedia instruments will be the common denominator of the various functions and will help to understand the emotions of a jockey during a race, or a  rider on a jumping course through animated images, from different viewpoints  and a complete interactivity and personalization of the visual itineraries by the users/audience.

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    The history of the relationship between man and horses dates back to about 25,000 years ago. Encompassing so much time and lived relations in a museum, is the real challenge when conceiving a site that tells you about this old-time and present alliance.    Multimedia instruments will be the common denominator of the various functions and will help to understand the emotions of a jockey during a race, or a  rider on a jumping course through animated images, from different...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Status Current works
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