Green Core | AGi architects

Kuwait City / Kuwait / 2015

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Green Core is a small residential building set in the Adaiiya neighbourhood in Kuwait City.

The housing block is composed of 6 apartments at about approximately 350 sqm each, and is accessed through an open core that divides the plot into two defined areas: front and rear. This core void is the key element in the design of the residence. It allows for natural light to filter in through the mesh and into the interior spaces as it provides the dense complex with a sizeable open space. It serves as common grounds enhancing the social living experience as the rest of the program falls into place around it. The green mesh that encases the space softens the penetrating light and harsh climate of the Arabian Gulf, allowing for a pleasant ambience within the housing block while hosting fertile grounds for vegetation to grow into a small garden.

Facing the street and on the main facade, three apartments are housed on 3 different levels. The rear portion of the building introduces dúplex units over four levels: two units in levels 1 and 2 and a third one in levels 3 and 4. These units are designed to offer the luxury of extra space as well as privacy; several private courtyards and intimate terraces are made possible due to this layout shift.

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    Green Core is a small residential building set in the Adaiiya neighbourhood in Kuwait City. The housing block is composed of 6 apartments at about approximately 350 sqm each, and is accessed through an open core that divides the plot into two defined areas: front and rear. This core void is the key element in the design of the residence. It allows for natural light to filter in through the mesh and into the interior spaces as it provides the dense complex with a sizeable open space. It serves...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Multi-family residence
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