D-link lounge | LPArchitecture

Milan / Italy / 2015

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The LPArchitecture studio is creating the first D-link lounge in Europe in Milan: not just a simple exhibition area, but a lounge where the client can try the range of products from the Taiwanese company in complete relaxation. D-Link is a company that for 29 years has provided connectivity solutions, answering corporate and private needs with an innovative approach to computer networking.
The LPArchitecture studio, particularly experienced in the design of luxury residential architecture, is answering the client’s wish to get closer to the world of the domestic consumer and is creating a genuine living room in which customers and employees can spend time in peace and quiet. The Milan space designed by LPArchitecture is divided into two separate sections: an area dedicated to product display and a relaxation area, able to create an atmosphere of domestic hospitality. These two spaces have been created following a unique concept inspired by the company’s leitmotiv, that is the concept of cloud. The web interconnections that are woven throughout the great worldwide information network, are represented on the walls through graphic designs, that project the visitor into the future.
The company brand is presented inside the showroom in its characteristic three colours: white, blue and grey, which give a sense of dynamism to the space and evoke a futuristic atmosphere. D-Link is thus a high-tech environment but also extremely welcoming, just like the house that D-Link aims to achieve.

Lo studio LPArchitecture realizza a Milano la prima D-link lounge in Europa: non un semplice spazio espositivo, ma un salotto dove il cliente può testare la gamma di prodotti dell'azienda di Taiwan in pieno relax. D-Link è un’azienda che da 29 anni fornisce soluzioni di connettività, rispondendo a tutte le esigenze dei privati e delle aziende, con un approccio innovativo al computer networking.
Lo studio LPArchitecture, particolarmente esperto nella progettazione di architetture residenziali di lusso, risponde al desiderio del committente di volersi avvicinare al mondo del consumer domestico e crea un vero e proprio salotto, all’interno del quale, i clienti e gli stessi dipendenti, possono trascorrere del tempo in piacevole tranquillità. Lo spazio milanese studiato da LPArchitecture si articola in 2 diverse sezioni: una zona dedicata all’esposizione dei prodotti ed un’area relax capace di evocare l’ospitalità domestica. Questi 2 spazi sono realizzati seguendo un concept unico ispirato al leitmotiv dell’azienda, ovvero il concetto di cloud. Le interconnessioni del web che si intrecciano all’interno della grande rete informatica mondiale, vengono rappresentate sulle pareti attraverso disegni grafici che proiettano il visitatore nel futuro.
Il brand dell’azienda viene proposto all’interno dello showroom nei suoi tre colori caratteristici: bianco, azzurro e grigio scuro, i quali donano allo spazio dinamicità evocando un’atmosfera avveniristica. D-Link risulta quindi uno spazio altamente tecnologico ma estremamente accogliente. Proprio come la casa che D-Link si prefigge di realizzare.

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    The LPArchitecture studio is creating the first D-link lounge in Europe in Milan: not just a simple exhibition area, but a lounge where the client can try the range of products from the Taiwanese company in complete relaxation. D-Link is a company that for 29 years has provided connectivity solutions, answering corporate and private needs with an innovative approach to computer networking.The LPArchitecture studio, particularly experienced in the design of luxury residential architecture, is...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Exhibition Design / Showrooms/Shops
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