KZK Housing and Public Spaces | GEZA - Gri e Zucchi Architettura

Atyrau / Kazakhstan / 2011

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The project will develop two features at the same time: on one hand, a general master plan aimed at redesigning the look of the neighbourhood; on the other hand, the architectural layout of the residential structures in relationship with the surrounding area and the city. The East-to-West axis guides the order of the master plan, which includes the newly-built edifices and the buildings now under construction, so as to set them as a unitary and harmonic architectural whole in an area subject to fast development.

FOUR NEW INHABITANTS The four buildings and the square entertain a close symbiotic relationship, and create an iconic, rigorous while articulated central place aimed at offering the greatest possible urban quality. The towers, which are slightly shifted and twisted, resemble, as seen from north, four inhabitants of Atyrau who from the Asian bank look towards the European bank. When seen from south, on the contrary, they look like four tall trees shielding the large square in the middle of the neighbourhood against the heat. Eight large facades with opposite orientation will oppose the harsh climate: the four northbound facades will fight the cold in winter (made of the same stone as the stone of the square pavement); the southbound facades will protect against the heat in summer (symbolically, they represent four trees, offering shade to the community life on the square).

The large square permeates the four buildings, by outlining at ground level a system of open areas and glazed commercial volumes intersected by a number of green corridors connected to the southern green area. The square becomes a protected place, partially covered. The four towers will not only mark the boundaries of the square but they will also contribute to shape and outline it, by creating areas with different orientations. Architecture gives protection and direction.

The richer the open spaces on the ground floor, the simpler and neater the flats. These may be of two types only (two-room or three-room units), but they grow to extra-large size on the three attic floors, which are special areas to enjoy at sunset while watching the river flow by and freeze in winter. The four eastbound facades will accommodate all bedrooms, facing sunrise; the westbound facades (protected on the first floors) will feature glazed walls overlooking the Ural river, while the winter gardens on the attic floors will let the sunset light in.

The concept is based on two large hands crossing together to include four buildings. The southern hand gathers the few remaining patches of green in the area and helps them become a leading theme in the project: the outline of the green space starts from south, then makes its way between the four buildings, sets on the balcony of the commercial area (which is actually a view for all the houses in the neighbourhood, as well as for the buildings now under construction around the parcel), stretches wide on the square, organizes and rectifies the east-to-west direction of the project. A closer look at Atyrau reveals that the city will need to expand its greenery in the future, not randomly or casually but in good relationship with buildings and squares. Quality of green, not quantity, is what matters.

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    GENERAL MASTER PLAN The project will develop two features at the same time: on one hand, a general master plan aimed at redesigning the look of the neighbourhood; on the other hand, the architectural layout of the residential structures in relationship with the surrounding area and the city. The East-to-West axis guides the order of the master plan, which includes the newly-built edifices and the buildings now under construction, so as to set them as a unitary and harmonic architectural whole...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Apartments / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers / Lofts/Penthouses
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