Chile Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 | Undurraga Deves Arquitectos

Chile, a Diverse Country Milan / Italy / 2015

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The Concept
From the Atacama Desert to Patagonia, from its central green valleys to its eastern islands, extreme geographical diversity will be a key feature of Chile’s showcase at Expo Milano 2015. As a main attraction, the pavilion takes visitors on a journey to experience its different ecosystems, deserts, rivers, valleys and mountains, showing how life grows and is preserved in each of them. Chile offers evidence of its pursuit of balance in a multitude of landscapes, cultures, foods and geographical landmarks that are unique in the world. Its aim is to entertain visitors, to promote an interest in its land and to demonstrate a commitment to its protection of water resources and sustainable food production for all. The main material used is wood, reminding us that the forest area of Chile is increasing, in contrast with the continuing deforestation on Earth.

The Design of the Pavilion
The architect Cristián Undurraga has succeeded in making the most of its position, which is right next to the Concert Arena, and a good reason for visiting the Chilean Pavilion, to experience its food and art. The architecture of the pavilion, which is spread over an area of ​​1,910 square meters, focuses on the art of hospitality. It is a suspended structure, a large wooden lintel enclosed by a frame of crossed beams and supported by four concrete pillars that create an intermediate space, a clear horizon, typical of Chilean architecture. The access point is a relaxation area with tables and benches. On entering the pavilion visitors will find the Chilean “dinner table,” with all its flavors and colors. A group of red statues, depicting Chilean farmers, indicates the path to follow. A corridor connects the exhibition hall with an area for tastings and events.

The large wooden structure, accessible by a central ramp, hosts an array of art works at its very center: photography, video, multimedia, graphics, furniture and sculptures. A tunnel surrounded by twenty-four synchronized projectors immerse visitors in a virtual reality experience, on a fishing boat at sea or in the vineyards of Carmenere. All these elements combine to illustrate the various regions and typical crops, communicating the diversity of its territory, the people, the fruits of the land, the imagery and the banquet that Chile offers to the world.

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    The ConceptFrom the Atacama Desert to Patagonia, from its central green valleys to its eastern islands, extreme geographical diversity will be a key feature of Chile’s showcase at Expo Milano 2015. As a main attraction, the pavilion takes visitors on a journey to experience its different ecosystems, deserts, rivers, valleys and mountains, showing how life grows and is preserved in each of them. Chile offers evidence of its pursuit of balance in a multitude of landscapes, cultures, foods...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Current works
    • Type Pavilions
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