Housing Rehabilitation in La Cerdanya | dom arquitectura
Llívia / Spain / 2014
Wood warmth
The project is located in a small village in La Cerdanya. Located on the north valley side and facing south, the dense rural core is formed by about 20 houses, is surrounded by fields and meadows where agriculture and farming are the main activities. Breathtaking views of the Cadi in front make this setting, a natural paradise.
Most buildings in the village are formed around an era. We can see in the village distribution map, that outside eras spaces organized the old constructions around them. They formed a structure grid set with old barns, stables and houses.
One group of constructions formed by a haystack, a barn, a warehouse, a small house and badiu belonged to our client who wanted to rehabilitate the space set and make his home and several guest pavilions.
We keep the volumes of the existing buildings, rehabilitating their facades and roofs and redistributing all interior spaces. The badiu was and old haystack, and now becomes a large covered and open space. It has been renovated keeping the old trusses that supported the roof. We use a roofing system where is no bonding material between timber and tiles.
Inside the house several rooms and guests living areas area faced keeping stone walls, wood coating, using iron elements and combining wood flooring with hydraulic tiles. The idea is to create large spaces, in a rural environment, where the surroundings privileged views become part of the interior.
La calidez de la madera
El proyecto se realiza en un pequeño pueblo de la Cerdanya. Situado en la ladera norte y orientado al sur, un denso núcleo rural formado por unas 20 casas, se rodea de campos y prados donde la agricultura y la ganadería, son las actividades principales. Las impresionantes vistas del cadí al frente hacen de este entorno, un paraíso natural.
La mayoría de construcciones del pueblo están formadas alrededor de una era. Viendo la estructura del pueblo vemos las antiguas construcciones formaban conjuntos de vivienda, pajares y antiguas cuadras, que rodeaban estos espacios exteriores y así organizaban sus construcciones.
Uno de estos grupos de construcciones formados por un pajar, una cuadra, un almacén, una pequeña vivienda y un badiu, pertenecían a nuestro cliente que quería rehabilitar el espacio y convertirlo en vivienda propia y varios pabellones de invitados.
Se mantienen los volúmenes de las construcciones existentes, rehabilitando sus fachadas y cubiertas y redistribuyendo todos los espacios interiores. El badiu es un gran espacio cubierto y abierto, que se ha rehabilitado manteniendo las antiguas cerchas que soportaban la cubierta. mediante un sistema de maderas y tejas donde no hay ningún material de agarre.
En el interior de la vivienda surgen diversas habitaciones y zonas de estar para invitados que se tratan conservando algunas paredes de piedras, revistiendo otras de madera, usando elementos de hierro de soporte y combinando pavimento de madera con azulejos hidráulicos. La idea es generar unos espacios amplios, en un entorno rural, donde las privilegiadas vistas del entorno entran a formar parte del interior.
Wood warmth The project is located in a small village in La Cerdanya. Located on the north valley side and facing south, the dense rural core is formed by about 20 houses, is surrounded by fields and meadows where agriculture and farming are the main activities. Breathtaking views of the Cadi in front make this setting, a natural paradise. Most buildings in the village are formed around an era. We can see in the village distribution map, that outside eras spaces organized the old...
- Year 2014
- Work finished in 2014
- Status Completed works
- Type Country houses/cottages / Building Recovery and Renewal