Hypermarket | gianluca milesi

project for an Auchan market mall nowhere / Italy / 2002

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Hypermarket: {Auchan supermarkets competition}, nowhere 2000 This project is a competition proposal for a chain of commercial spaces {malls} for Auchan. The big dimension of the project suggested the idea of a macro-structure, both load bearing and bringing all the needs to the building {electricity, plumbing, …}, and creating at the same time an urban environment both private and public. This structure, was conceived as a net organizing and connecting the different commercial volumes, creating a continuity of open and enclosed spaces, and a complex urban texture. The commercial volumes were thought as simple but not regular enclosures, naturally enlightened. These volumes were parts of a time changing process building, according to a program of use flexibility and they were conceived as big flexible spaces with changeable functions. Light metal fluidly shaped self supporting beams with circular sections were jointed to build the structure; the commercial volumes were thought as a sequence of modular semitransparent panels; the structure and the volumes were intersecting themselves in order to create a continuity between the interior and the exterior space. . We wanted to use a strong and recognizable architectural language with the use of particular shapes and volumes to give a character of singleness to the building.
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    Project Authors
    • gianluca milesi

      gianluca milesi

      Principal Architect

    Hypermarket: {Auchan supermarkets competition}, nowhere 2000 This project is a competition proposal for a chain of commercial spaces {malls} for Auchan. The big dimension of the project suggested the idea of a macro-structure, both load bearing and bringing all the needs to the building {electricity, plumbing, …}, and creating at the same time an urban environment both private and public. This structure, was conceived as a net organizing and connecting the different commercial volumes, creating...

    Project details
    • Year 2002
    • Client Auchan international competition
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Shopping Malls
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