UTC Cambridge | Hawkins\Brown

Cambridge / United Kingdom / 2014

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UTC Cambridge, a new centre of excellence for Biomedical and Environmental Science and Technology, has completed and welcomed its first students for the 2014 academic year.
The school, which has an internal area of 5,300sq m, combines a new syllabus and a new way of teaching for 14-19 years olds, in a uniquely designed environment. From the outset, UTC Cambridge required an innovative building to inspire its pupils and prepare them for the real world. The UTC takes precedent from both industry and higher education to provide a ‘grown up’ learning environment and social space.
The layout is simple; social learning spaces on the ground floor - including a Learning Resource Centre, lecture hall and canteen - are joined by more traditional classrooms and science labs on the first floor. The top floor ‘superlab’ provides flexible laboratory space for up to 350 students at a time.
The building has been clad in Cor-ten steel with original artwork by artist Jo Chapman incorporated to a bespoke design across the front façade and a DNA inspired carpet by artist Emily Campbell.
Carol Lees, partner at Hawkins\Brown, said: “The building is strong and unapologetic to make a statement within the context of Addenbrooke’s Hospital and other biomedical research facilities. It maintains a sense of space and light throughout the interior, combining open volumes and light wells in open plan areas, with smaller intimate spaces and work rooms to create a bright and vibrant atmosphere, ideally suited to a varied and relaxed learning environment.”
UTC Cambridge at capacity will provide 670 pupil spaces. Its initial success as a new school building has exceeded expectation with 180 pupils enrolling for the first term - many more than at other new UTC projects round the country.
Melanie Radford, principal at UTC Cambridge, said: “The exquisite building design allows the culture of UTC Cambridge to be aligned with a scientific workplace - fostering collaboration, investigation and innovation.”

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    UTC Cambridge, a new centre of excellence for Biomedical and Environmental Science and Technology, has completed and welcomed its first students for the 2014 academic year. The school, which has an internal area of 5,300sq m, combines a new syllabus and a new way of teaching for 14-19 years olds, in a uniquely designed environment. From the outset, UTC Cambridge required an innovative building to inspire its pupils and prepare them for the real world. The UTC takes precedent from both industry...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Client BAM Construction
    • Cost £9M
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Colleges & Universities
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