Sambade House | spaceworkers®

Penafiel / Portugal / 2014

107 Love 15,368 Visits Published

Based on the genetic of the place, the intervention holds, as the main goal, the creation of a contemporary space without disturbing the peace of the countryside area. A pure volume, with rectangular base, is adjusted to the ground and opens into the green landscape. The volumetric purity, desired by the customer, sets the mood for the project and the new inhabitant of the place is, now, one of the terraced fields of the perfectly balanced ground. Thus, the act of inhabiting unfolds through the volume of concrete, pure, raw, adjusted to the ground, just waiting to grow old as the days go by... reflecting the life of the countryside.

Com base na genética do lugar, a intervenção tem como principal objetivo criar um espaço contemporâneo sem que este interfira na paz da área rural. Um volume puro, com base retangular, acondiciona-se ao terreno, abrindo-se para a paisagem verde envolvente. A pureza volumétrica desejada pelo cliente dá o mote para o projeto, e o novo habitante do local é, hoje, mais um dos socalcos do terreno perfeitamente equilibrado. O ato de habitar desenrola-se, assim, em todo o volume de betão, puro, cru, pousado no terreno, à espera de envelhecer com o passar dos dias...refletindo a vida do campo.

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    Based on the genetic of the place, the intervention holds, as the main goal, the creation of a contemporary space without disturbing the peace of the countryside area. A pure volume, with rectangular base, is adjusted to the ground and opens into the green landscape. The volumetric purity, desired by the customer, sets the mood for the project and the new inhabitant of the place is, now, one of the terraced fields of the perfectly balanced ground. Thus, the act of inhabiting unfolds through the...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work started in 2012
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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