HAHN+KOLB Werkzeuge GmbH | Sigrid Hintersteininger Architects

Ludwigsburg / Germany / 2013

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The new building of Hahn + Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH was built as a Sales, Technology and Logistic Centre on a 4.8 ha site in the west of Ludwigsburg.

HAHN + KOLB Werkzeuge GmbH is oriented towards quality and innovation combined with economic success thus requiring headquarters which showcase this company philosophy. Sigrid Hintersteininger Architects therefore planned a Sales- and Technology Centre which embodies dynamics in its stylistic language. The building rises dynamically from south to north and ends in a crystalline vitreous corpus, which displays itself to the public on three sides. This stylistic language continues in the Technology Centre and the freestanding Logistic Hall. A corresponding energetic design is the base for these innovative forms. The south-facing building façades rising dynamically from the green areas are faced with photovoltaic elements, which provide sustainable energy production and minimize CO2 emissions.

The main access is through the central building of the Sales Centre. Here one is literally sucked into the foyer or entrance area of the building from the public forecourt in front of it. The entrance foyer is used as an exhibition hall, where HAHN + KOLB products are displayed together with artworks from the WÜRTH collection.

The two buildings of the Sales and Technology Centre are connected on the ground floor and the first floor by the areas open to the public of restaurant, lounge and product presentation. These spaces are the heart of the company and can be accessed independently of the entrance area via a separate and generously dimensioned flight of steps outside. An interplay between single storey and two storeys not only creates spatial tension, but is also the connection between public areas and administration on different floors. The patio provides natural illumination and ventilation for all offices and offers additional open space for the restaurant on the ground floor.

The employees of HAHN + KOLB work in premises which go beyond the function of a conventional workplace. The two floor staff restaurant and a spacious lounge provide fresh meals daily. The lounge area serves as a marketplace where colleagues and clients meet and meetings can be held. From the lounge terrace a flight of steps leads to the semi public forecourt and into a spacious park. Here there is a biotope serving as an oasis for relaxation in the open air. Fruit trees inter alia will be planted in the green spaces, so that employees will be able to enjoy fresh organic products during their break. Thus the employees are offered a high level of amenities in the outside spaces too.

Sustainability / energy efficiency
Building temperature and water heating are mainly provided by primary energy-efficient geothermal energy. Furthermore a 1,028 m2 photovoltaic installation on the south-facing roof area pitched at 45 degrees provides renewable energy. The operating costs can be noticeably reduced by using regenerative energy, a sustainable energy supply with concrete core temperature control and high tech materials. The heat pump is supplied by 80 % ambient energy. It can thus cover 70% of the annual heating energy needed.

“The building is oriented on and responsive to the exterior climate.” Wind, sun position and temperature probes control the indoor climate of the building. Concrete core temperature control and external sun protection are activated to a greater or lesser degree. The offices are ventilated naturally by opening the window casements individually. The flat roofs are built as green roofs and thus as compensation areas for the sealed floor surfaces. Overall the maximum permissible primary energy requirement stipulated by ENEV is undershot by more than 45%. It thus meets the standard for passive houses.


Architectural competition

January 2012, 1st prize: SHA, Sigrid Hintersteininger Architects, planning and overall art direction

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    The new building of Hahn + Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH was built as a Sales, Technology and Logistic Centre on a 4.8 ha site in the west of Ludwigsburg. HAHN + KOLB Werkzeuge GmbH is oriented towards quality and innovation combined with economic success thus requiring headquarters which showcase this company philosophy. Sigrid Hintersteininger Architects therefore planned a Sales- and Technology Centre which embodies dynamics in its stylistic language. The building rises dynamically from south to...

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