Spořice / Czech Rep. / 2013

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The total reconstruction of the attic changed the family house after the years. The owners have school-age children and parents wanted to enjoy the own space for each of them. The division of rooms for boys and girls was clear at the beginning. The wall paintings, wallpapers and accessories were choosen of the children's wishes.

The boy’s room is a little bit spacious. New height opens the space to the roof. Therefore, it was possible to create the boy's bunker under the roof. The boy can climb the ladder or climb up the rope. The room has everything necessary. The armchair with Stereo Sound System is near to the bookcase. Angled spaces under the windows have been used to built-in shelves. Also built-in wardrobe follows the slope of the roof.

Girl’s room is decorated in white with pink and purple. The colors are very girlish, and harmonizes well with the following shades of wood floors, doors and visible parts of the roof. Part of the room serves as a dance floor that is complemented by wall mirrors, RGB lights, disco ball and hanging television. White wardrobe follows the shape of the roof again. The pull-out sofa with colorful pillows is under the windows. It is used for occasional overnight stay with friends.

The wooden rafters supporting elements were left in all rooms. They give the attic a pleasant atmosphere. Sometimes they are used as a basis for atypical furniture, for example the bookcase in the boy’s room.

The hall with staircase connects both rooms. Hall is in neutral colors and the wallpaper with ornaments is on the one wall. The panDomo in shades of white coffee is used on the floor of the hall and staircase. Under the windows is a small, cozy seating.

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    The total reconstruction of the attic changed the family house after the years. The owners have school-age children and parents wanted to enjoy the own space for each of them. The division of rooms for boys and girls was clear at the beginning. The wall paintings, wallpapers and accessories were choosen of the children's wishes. The boy’s room is a little bit spacious. New height opens the space to the roof. Therefore, it was possible to create the boy's bunker under the roof. The boy...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work started in 2012
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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