Espacio Hisbalit – Modulor "Casa Decor 2014" | ZOOCO Estudio
Madrid / Spain / 2014
A proposal to change the bedroom`s traditional structure. It is evident that not all of us live the interiors in the same way so, why adapt our habits to the design and not the other way round?
Modular porticoes in the interior space are named and organized sequencing the daily routine of the user. The aesthetic is conformed by mirrored walls, wooden floors and glass mosaics on each portico which give to the space a happy, luminous and changing character.
After a careful selection of mosaics of Hisbalit Stone collection, we associate different colour tones with the uses of the space: sleep, work, leisure, bath and dressing.
As a strategy interior modular porticoes are assigned with public activities such as: work and leisure while the more private, these modules are facing the openings of the bedroom to let the natural light in, while modules with private activities as shower and sleep are located in the laterals of the room. This way we get an open layout program of a polyvalent interior space.
Proponemos la ruptura del esquema tradicional de dormitorio. Es evidente que no todos vivimos los espacios de la misma manera. ¿Por qué adaptar nuestros hábitos al espacio proyectado y no al revés? Asignamos a cada uno de los pórticos modulares un uso determinado, los cuales, ordenados en función de las necesidades de cada usuario, generan la secuencia de su día a día.
Paredes de espejo, pavimento de madera y revestimiento de cada uno de los pórticos con material Hisbalit, confieren al espacio un carácter luminioso, alegre y cambiante. Tras una cuidadosa selección de la gama Stone de Hisbalit, asociamos las diferentes tonalidades a los usos del espacio: dormir, trabajo, ocio, vestidor y baño.
Tomamos como estrategia completar los pórticos de los extremos (dormir y baño), mientras que los interiores se abren a la fachada que ilumina al espacio (trabajo, ocio y vestidor). De esta forma liberamos un espacio interior, el cual, al tiempo que distribuye los accesos a los diferentes programas, configura un área polivalente que unifica la espacialidad del conjunto.
A proposal to change the bedroom`s traditional structure. It is evident that not all of us live the interiors in the same way so, why adapt our habits to the design and not the other way round? Modular porticoes in the interior space are named and organized sequencing the daily routine of the user. The aesthetic is conformed by mirrored walls, wooden floors and glass mosaics on each portico which give to the space a happy, luminous and changing character. After a careful selection of mosaics...
- Year 2014
- Work finished in 2014
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments / Exhibition Design / Interior Design