When the material meet the brand - VIDEO - | Preformati Italia

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@pinkstratdesign (www.pinkstratdesign.com) is working on the re-branding of Preformati Italia (preformatiitalia.it
We will produce together a series of video and this is the starting jingle that we will use by default.
A connection between the material and the brand. A JUICE of what Preformati Italia is!

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    @pinkstratdesign (www.pinkstratdesign.com) is working on the re-branding of Preformati Italia (preformatiitalia.it) We will produce together a series of video and this is the starting jingle that we will use by default.A connection between the material and the brand. A JUICE of what Preformati Italia is!

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work started in 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Status Research/Thesis
    • Type Graphic Design / Advertising / Photography
    Archilovers On Instagram
    Lovers 1 users