Office of Pluto | LOVE Architecture and urbanism

Graz / Austria / 2013

14 Love 3,255 Visits Published
EN This project is a conversion of an apartment, situated in an old Wilhelminian style building of around 350m² to a modern office, which is characterized by the flair and the ambience of its historic building stock. The valuable building elements, like walls and ceilings, were uncovered and deliberately put in contrast to modern elements, like glass partition walls and (movable) cushioned wall units. Principally the conversion was done without using delicate building elements. In fact the concept uses converging colours, materials and forms that act together on a large scale in an easy-going way. The removal of various existing walls results in transparency and high flexibility concerning the use of the rooms. DE Hierbei handelt es sich um den Umbau einer etwa 350m² großen Gründerzeit-Altbauwohnung zu einer modernen Büroeinheit, welche vom Flair und Ambiente der historischen Substanz geprägt ist. Ganz bewusst wurden hier behutsam wertvolle Gebäudeteile wie Wände und Decken freigelegt und diese in Kontrast zu modernen Elementen wie zum Beispiel den Büro-Glastrennwänden oder gepolsterten (Schiebe-) Wandelementen gesetzt. Grundsätzlich wurde hierbei auf den Einsatz filigraner Bauteile verzichtet. Vielmehr wurde ein Konzept von aufeinandertreffenden Farben, Materialien und Formen gesetzt, welche großflächig und gelassen miteinander agieren. Der Abbruch verschiedener Bestandswände führt zu hoher Transparenz und flexibler Raumnutzung.
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    EN This project is a conversion of an apartment, situated in an old Wilhelminian style building of around 350m² to a modern office, which is characterized by the flair and the ambience of its historic building stock. The valuable building elements, like walls and ceilings, were uncovered and deliberately put in contrast to modern elements, like glass partition walls and (movable) cushioned wall units. Principally the conversion was done without using delicate building elements. In fact the...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Offices/studios
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    Lovers 14 users