WHAT'S UP, ENGLISH ACADEMY | Isabel López Vilalta

Barcelona / Spain / 2012

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What’s Up English Academy Barcelona This new English Academy is located in the heart of Barcelona, in one of the most transient and commercial city streets. The challenge was to carry out a project of great singularity within a limited budget. A new identity was needed with a simple direct concept that connected with people through a fresh and current, identifiable and recognizable image - to create a lively, colorful atmosphere with a view toward the future and the innovation of new language-teaching techniques. A mezzanine, previously used as offices, is converted into a large container. The total height is recovered to locate different spaces into it by way of independent boxes - semi-open for different uses - creating the degree of intimacy necessary for this type of activity; as opposed to the completely open and well-lit social areas, projections and studio - multi-purpose uses - tailored to the requirements of the day. To achieve the maximum natural light possible, classrooms and social areas are oriented all along the glazed façade which is fully open to the street. The light filters through them thereby reaching more central areas of the premises. This also helps us reclaim the exterior by way of seeing and being seen whilst showing the activities going on inside, thereby creating a dynamic, energetic environment simply by playing with colors; colors which in turn are the corporate brand.
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    What’s Up English Academy Barcelona This new English Academy is located in the heart of Barcelona, in one of the most transient and commercial city streets. The challenge was to carry out a project of great singularity within a limited budget. A new identity was needed with a simple direct concept that connected with people through a fresh and current, identifiable and recognizable image - to create a lively, colorful atmosphere with a view toward the future and the innovation of new...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work started in 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Schools/Institutes / Interior Design
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