Historical Architectural Models | Lucio Tuzza

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The models of the fundamental works of architecture . Available and shipped in 10 days . Like the books of architecture can find a place in your library, in your home or in your office as a source of documentation. ... or simply as a beautiful decorative objects. ***


Altri modelli attualmente disponibili

- Giuseppe Terragni, CASA DEL FASCIO scale 1:200

- Richard Meier, SMITH HOUSE scale 1:100

- Mies van der Rohe, BARCELONA PAVILION scale 1:100
- Mies van der Rohe, New National Galerie, Berlin scale 1:250
- Mies van der Rohe, FARNSWORTH, scale 1:100 / 1:200

- Frank Lloyd Wright, FALLINGWATER, scale 1:100 / 1:200
- Frank Lloyd Wright, ROBIE HOUSE, scale 1:200

- Le Corbusier, VILLA SAVOYE, scale 1:100 / 1:200

- Oscar Niemeyer, Brasilia, CONGRESSO NACIONAL, scale 1:1000

- Philip Johnson, GLASS HOUSE, scale 1:100

- Aldo Rossi, TEATRO DEL MONDO, scale 1:200

- Andrea Palladio, LA ROTONDA ( Villa Almerico Capra) scale 1:200 / 1:300

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    The models of the fundamental works of architecture . Available and shipped in 10 days . Like the books of architecture can find a place in your library, in your home or in your office as a source of documentation. ... or simply as a beautiful decorative objects. ***   Altri modelli attualmente disponibili - Giuseppe Terragni, CASA DEL FASCIO scale 1:200 - Richard Meier, SMITH HOUSE scale 1:100 - Mies van der Rohe, BARCELONA PAVILION scale 1:100- Mies van der Rohe, New National...

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    • Status Completed works
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