''Umberto Forti'' Headquarters

Sustainable dynamics for a green aesthetic Montacchiello / Italy / 2016

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The new Forti Holding S.p.a. headquarter is situated between Pisa and Livorno. It houses shops and the corporate group’s administrative centre. The building stands as a coherent and remarkable example of green architecture in the area. Taking environmental responsibility as a core value, the team has put great attention into the bioclimatic planning, thus resulting in incredibly high energetic performances. In fact, the building makes extensive use of passive energy devices like thermal and shading technologies, passive ventilation and sensitive use of daylight.

From the main road, an airy lobby located in the middle of a ventilated facade welcomes visitors with its triple-height-ceiling; a wide glass curtain wall guarantees natural ventilation and plenty of natural light. On the other side, the southeast facade is completely realized by glass. For this reason, in order to filter sunlight and to avoid overheating, an horizontal sunscreen system has been set up in front of the windows, allowing free sights and sun protection simultaneously.

Structural and formal choices affect the inner working environment, offering nice and open views on the surrounding countryside and the mountains. Opaque and transparent surfaces have been studied according to their specific orientation. A roof garden and large outdoor terraces cladded with natural materials create relax areas overlooking the mountains. They also contributing to shape the volumes, regulate the microclimate as well as bringing nature inside the building. The South facade is entirely covered with solar panels and has been designed and dimensioned together with other green energy devices to fully meet the building’s energetic needs.

Remarkably, this office building lacks of methane gas plants, which is traditionally used in Italy for the heating system. Photovoltaic production covers most of winter and summer conditioning and lighting energy demand (> 80%). Thanks to special architectural solutions, cladding becomes the first technologic system of this building. A cutting-edge plant apparatus has been developed in parallel with the building smart shell, which employs LED lighting systems, a geothermal system for air conditioning and regenerative heat exchanger. The mix of renewable sources and strategies aims to limit consumption, making this headquarter a benchmark for sustainable building throughout the region. The building is awarded LEED Gold certification, the first in Tuscany.


Il nuovo quartier generale della Forti S.p.a., situato tra Pisa e Livorno, ospita gli uffici e il centro direzionale del gruppo aziendale. 

Il Centro rappresenta un chiaro esempio di architettura sostenibile. Le performance energetiche dell’edificio sono diretta conseguenza di una progettazione attenta agli aspetti bioclimatici; lo studio delle superfici opache e trasparenti è studiato in base al loro specifico orientamento.

Dalla strada principale, una grande hall accoglie i visitatori; il suo triplo volume si apre in una grande facciata ventilata. La facciata sud-est è invece caratterizzata da grandi vetrate continue  opportunamente schermate da frangisole lineari a passo variabile. Queste scelte si riflettono all'interno in ambienti di lavoro con vista aperta sul verde e i monti. Il verde è presente anche all’interno dell’edificio con giardini pensili e terrazze rivestite in materiali naturali, contribuendo alla regolazione del microclima. Infine, la facciata sud è stata interamente rivestita con pannelli fotovoltaici.

Nell’edificio sono completamente assenti impianti a gas metano. La produzione fotovoltaica copre gran parte dei consumi (>80%) per quanto riguarda il condizionamento invernale ed estivo e l’illuminazione.

Grazie allo sviluppo di apposite soluzioni architettoniche, l’involucro diventa il primo impianto tecnologico dell’edificio. Parallelamente all’involucro è stato sviluppato un apparato impiantistico all'avanguardia, che impiega fra le altre cose impianti di illuminazione LED, un sistema geotermico per la climatizzazione degli spazi interni e ricuperatori di calore. 

Il mix di fonti rinnovabili e strategie di contenimento dei consumi fanno di questo complesso un punto di riferimento per l’edilizia sostenibile di tutta la Regione Toscana, certificato LEED Gold nel 2018.

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    The new Forti Holding S.p.a. headquarter is situated between Pisa and Livorno. It houses shops and the corporate group’s administrative centre. The building stands as a coherent and remarkable example of green architecture in the area. Taking environmental responsibility as a core value, the team has put great attention into the bioclimatic planning, thus resulting in incredibly high energetic performances. In fact, the building makes extensive use of passive energy devices like thermal...

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