Hackney Picturehouse | Fletcher Priest Architects

London / United Kingdom / 2011

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The structure that houses the Picturehouse has been part of Hackney life for over a century. Built in 1907 as the Central Library and Methodist Hall, it faces the Town Hall and is a short distance from the Hackney Empire. In recent years, it was converted into the Hackney Ocean, a live music venue with space for 2700 people, however, it was not a success. We were asked by City Screen to design its transformation into an ambitious new cinema-based project within a constrained budget. City Screen is the UK’s leading independent cinema operator and was established to provide cinemas for city centre communities. Hackney Picturehouse incorporates a variety of community activities, including cinemas, bars, a music venue, restaurant, art gallery and space for start-up companies. The new project is already thriving, and the Picturehouse now plays a meaningful role in Hackney life. In order to avoid waste, and to ensure that our design achieved exemplary standards for sustainability, we chose to retain, adapt and reuse the existing fabric. Much of the previous fit-out was set aside and incorporated, including the WC’s, the professional catering equipment, the bar fittings and the existing stage equipment. Some items found a use in other City Screen locations. The existing studio shells were adapted for the four new cinemas with minimum intervention. With new cafés and bars overlooking the street, the new illuminated sign that runs the full length of the building, has established the Picturehouse as a landmark dedicated to the glamour of cinema. This is latest completed project from a portfolio that includes Europe’s largest post-production facilities, the Science Museum’s IMAX, London Planetarium, all the Screen Cinemas, Tyneside Cinema, Edinburgh’s Cameo, Sony Pictures, Sony Playstation, Roundhouse Studios and BBC and Independent TV facilities and leading advertising/design companies.
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    The structure that houses the Picturehouse has been part of Hackney life for over a century. Built in 1907 as the Central Library and Methodist Hall, it faces the Town Hall and is a short distance from the Hackney Empire. In recent years, it was converted into the Hackney Ocean, a live music venue with space for 2700 people, however, it was not a success. We were asked by City Screen to design its transformation into an ambitious new cinema-based project within a constrained budget. City...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Cinemas
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