Chalet 3.0

hotel Полтавская область / Ukraine / 2013

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location: Poltava region, Sosnovka 1 function: Hotel area: 140 m2 status: realization 2013 Design studio "YOD Dеsign Lab" The apartments are part of the relax park "VERHOLY" located in a picturesque corner of the pine forest in the Poltava Oblast. It is a separate building consisting of three separate rooms with a common guest hall. Main elements of ‘chalet’ style used in decoration were realized in modern fashion. Location of the separate complex in an ecologically clean area had its bearing on the selection of principal materials, such as stone and wood.
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    location: Poltava region, Sosnovka 1 function: Hotel area: 140 m2 status: realization 2013 Design studio "YOD Dеsign Lab" The apartments are part of the relax park "VERHOLY" located in a picturesque corner of the pine forest in the Poltava Oblast. It is a separate building consisting of three separate rooms with a common guest hall. Main elements of ‘chalet’ style used in decoration were realized in modern fashion. Location of the separate complex in an ecologically clean area had its bearing...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work started in 2013
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Status Completed works
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