RIFF 2013 presenting Kodaly Centre | ABplus Events

International Architecture Expo Conference Bucharest / Romania / 2013

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RIFF International Architecture Expo Conference 2013 presents the "Kodály Centre" by Építész Stúdió, on November 12, in Bucharest. The building in Pécs, Hungary, designed by the team of architects Építész studio covers a surface of 11,200 square meters and serves as a conference centre and concert hall. In 2010, the city of Pécs was one of the three European Capitals of Culture, alongside Istanbul, Turkey and Essen, Germany. The Kodály Centre was one of the main projects carried out for this event. Awards received by Építész Studio for the Kodály project: 2010 Pro Communitate Award Pécs EKF 2010 2011 hg.hu Design Award 2011, 1st prize (Kodály Centre) 2011 Architectural Award of Media 2011, public prize 2011 FIABCI Prix d'Exellance Hungarian Real Estate 2nd Prize 2012 FIABCI Prix d'Exellance International Real Estate 2nd Prize Építész Stúdió architecture office (abbreviated ES) was established in 1990 by Ferenc Cságoly and Sándor Pálfy, providing services in the field of architectural design and general design. RIFF International Architecture Expo Conference is organized by ABplus Events and the Order of the Architects of Romania, in partnership with the Royal Institute of British Architects. Official Partner: Saint-Gobain Romania Main Partner: Guardian Glass; Partners: Saint-Gobain Rigips, Saint-Gobain Weber, Veka, Rockwool Info/registration: abplusevents.com
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    RIFF International Architecture Expo Conference 2013 presents the "Kodály Centre" by Építész Stúdió, on November 12, in Bucharest. The building in Pécs, Hungary, designed by the team of architects Építész studio covers a surface of 11,200 square meters and serves as a conference centre and concert hall. In 2010, the city of Pécs was one of the three European Capitals of Culture, alongside Istanbul, Turkey and Essen, Germany. The Kodály Centre was one of the main projects carried out for this...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Status Current works
    • Type Conference Centres / Exhibition Design
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