Detroit riverfront competition Detroit / United States / 2012

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A drop of water on the ground of H(E)art Plaza… germinates the green, infects, contaminates, leaks in the city. Trees grow in empty urban spaces, the green climbs on the facades, allows the abandoned areas to be revived and cultivates the deserted suburb. The water produced by hybrid solar cells will be transformed into hydrogen, ecological energy carrier, motor of a new mobility for sustainable industry. Detroit takes care of its citizens, who work in it, walk, go cycling, live and enjoy themselves. The origin of the movement comes from the heart of the city, where it meets the water. The new green carpet lives and floods in the urban grid, a membran built by hybrid graphen solar cells produces clean energy. The plaza regains its own character of public area, park, open music hall, theatre, space for sport, relax, street art, etc. In the center of the site is located the open arena, sheltered and protected by the envelope. All round it are placed spaces for several activities. On the east side the green-renovated parking becomes public space for exhibition and laboratories for street art, the gate of the tunnel is screened by a filtering green cover and the church is hemmed in its own holy spaces. The waterfront maintains the length of the existing riverwalk, let a sheet of water come in, that is usable by the citizens: for water bathing, show, ice-skating, etc. On the west side a green hill wraps the H(E)art Plaza, Cobo Center and the UAW Ford Building with organic shapes. Towards the city a series of green tongues go across the main avenue, partially underground, and go into the urban texture propagating and improving the reciprocal accessibility.
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    A drop of water on the ground of H(E)art Plaza… germinates the green, infects, contaminates, leaks in the city. Trees grow in empty urban spaces, the green climbs on the facades, allows the abandoned areas to be revived and cultivates the deserted suburb. The water produced by hybrid solar cells will be transformed into hydrogen, ecological energy carrier, motor of a new mobility for sustainable industry. Detroit takes care of its citizens, who work in it, walk, go cycling, live and enjoy...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Client American Institute of Architects Detroit's Urban Priorities Committee
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Concert Halls / Hotel/Resorts / River and coastal redevelopment
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