PhD, Candidate The Bartlett School Of Architecture, UCL, London. 2010. MPhil Architectural Design .The Bartlett School Of Architecture, UCL, London. Awarded June 2010. Registered Architect 16.829 At Madrid Board Of Architects Since 2006 March Bartlett School Of Architecture And Planning, University College Of London. 2005 Diploma (Dipl. Arch.) Bartlett School Of Architecture And Planning, UCL. 2002-2004. Architecture ETSAM.1997-2002.(ARB Part 1 Since 2003) Awards: -Future Minds Award. -F
Pablo Gil
Madrid / Spain

PhD, Candidate The Bartlett School Of Architecture, UCL, London. 2010.
MPhil Architectural Design .The Bartlett School Of Architecture, UCL, London. Awarded June 2010.
Registered Architect 16.829 At Madrid Board Of Architects Since 2006
March Bartlett School Of Architecture And Planning, University College Of London. 2005
Diploma (Dipl. Arch.) Bartlett School Of Architecture And Planning, UCL. 2002-2004.
Architecture ETSAM.1997-2002.(ARB Part 1 Since 2003)
-Future Minds Award.
MPhil Architectural Design .The Bartlett School Of Architecture, UCL, London. Awarded June 2010.
Registered Architect 16.829 At Madrid Board Of Architects Since 2006
March Bartlett School Of Architecture And Planning, University College Of London. 2005
Diploma (Dipl. Arch.) Bartlett School Of Architecture And Planning, UCL. 2002-2004.
Architecture ETSAM.1997-2002.(ARB Part 1 Since 2003)
-Future Minds Award.