Michele Pacileo

CAD/BIM designer Turin / Italy

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Michele Pacileo
Michele Pacileo was born in Turin in 1984.
At the age 14 he began to get to know the fascinating world of communication.
After obtaining his diploma at the "Albe Steiner" high school in Turin, he graduated with honors in Virtual Graphic Design at the Politecnico di Torino.
Curious, creative and extroverted, he is now also a professional designer of
Junior graphic communication for the AIAP Association. Travelling, discovering other cultures, observing Typographic Fonts and beautiful photogra
Michele Pacileo
Michele Pacileo
Teams 1 teams

Michele Pacileo was born in Turin in 1984. At the age 14 he began to get to know the fascinating world of communication. After obtaining his diploma at the "Albe Steiner" high school in Turin, he graduated with honors in Virtual Graphic Design at the Politecnico di Torino. Curious, creative and extroverted, he is now also a professional designer of Junior graphic communication for the AIAP Association. Travelling, discovering other cultures, observing Typographic Fonts and beautiful photogra