Mauricio Guillen

Interior designer Comitán de Domínguez / Mexico

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Mauricio Guillen
Mauricio Guillen is a well established artist who’s design & photographic work has appeared in national and international magazines, such as Matíz Gráfico del Diseño Internacional, Reflex, Neo2, and Etapes Graphiques, among others. Before residing in Detroit, Guillen worked as chief designer at the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil in Mexico City; studied his Master degree in the Analysis and Decode of the Visual Image, and moved onto work as the art director for WOW Internacional and File® Magazine. I
Mauricio Guillen
Mauricio Guillen

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Mauricio Guillen is a well established artist who’s design & photographic work has appeared in national and international magazines, such as Matíz Gráfico del Diseño Internacional, Reflex, Neo2, and Etapes Graphiques, among others. Before residing in Detroit, Guillen worked as chief designer at the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil in Mexico City; studied his Master degree in the Analysis and Decode of the Visual Image, and moved onto work as the art director for WOW Internacional and File® Magazine. I